Darbs veltīts krievu rakstnieka Vladimira Nabokova dzejas izpētei. Darba mērķis ir atrast pamatmotīvus Nabokova dzejoļu krājumā „Ķekars”. Pētījumam tiek izmantota Nabokova daiļradei veltīta literatūra, kā arī viņa dažādu gadu dzeja. Darbs sastāv no divām daļām. Pirmajā daļā tiek aplūkota pētījumam nepieciešama literatūra par motīviem Nabokova daiļradē. Otrajā daļā, balstoties uz uzstādītiem uzdevumiem, tiek analizēts dzejoļu krājums „Ķekars”. Bakalaura darbs var būt interesants filologiem, īpaši literatūrzinātniekiem, kā arī jebkuram, kurš interesējas par V. Nabokovu vai dzeju kopumā.This work is about the Russian writer Vladimir Nabokov poetry. The aim is to find the main motives in Nabokov’s poetry book „The Bunch”. Literature on Nabok...
Specifying motifs occurring in the texture of the entire oeuvre of Nabokov the paper aims at re-eval...
Studying Vladimir Nabokov’s works, we have been convinced of the continuity of the social codes, beg...
The focus of this thesis is to closely analyze two novels by Vladimir Nabokov, namely Invitation to ...
W pracy poruszam temat wizji Rosji, jakie możemy znaleźć w twórczośći Vladimira Nabokova. Swoją inte...
Celem mojej pracy jest zaprezentowanie utworów z różnych okresów twórczych Vladimira Nabokova, porów...
Praca licencjacka pod tytułem "Vladimir Nabokov – inne oblicza miłości (na podstawie wybranych utwor...
Erotic love in a few of Vladimir Nabokov’s Russian-language works. Nabokov and Vladimir Solovy...
Ņina Timofejeva Krievu klasiskā dzeja Vladimira Nabokova romānā "Mašeņka" (1926): bakalaura darbs. R...
The purpose of this study is to consider the play between Nabokov???s passions and\ud his writing. S...
A partir des premières nouvelles années européennes jusqu'aux derniers romans américains, le thème d...
In modern criticism, V. Nabokov is revered as one of postmodernism “godfathers”. In the texts of a n...
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov is a distinctive representative of Russian literature in the 20th cen...
Nowadays, the intertextual study of Nabokov’s works engages many scholars. Specifically, the connect...
Nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata, književnoj se sceni nametnuo socrealistički koncept koji je uništava...
Ovaj diplomski rad se bavi istraživanjem koncepta ornamentalnosti u romanu Lužinova obrana (Zaščita...
Specifying motifs occurring in the texture of the entire oeuvre of Nabokov the paper aims at re-eval...
Studying Vladimir Nabokov’s works, we have been convinced of the continuity of the social codes, beg...
The focus of this thesis is to closely analyze two novels by Vladimir Nabokov, namely Invitation to ...
W pracy poruszam temat wizji Rosji, jakie możemy znaleźć w twórczośći Vladimira Nabokova. Swoją inte...
Celem mojej pracy jest zaprezentowanie utworów z różnych okresów twórczych Vladimira Nabokova, porów...
Praca licencjacka pod tytułem "Vladimir Nabokov – inne oblicza miłości (na podstawie wybranych utwor...
Erotic love in a few of Vladimir Nabokov’s Russian-language works. Nabokov and Vladimir Solovy...
Ņina Timofejeva Krievu klasiskā dzeja Vladimira Nabokova romānā "Mašeņka" (1926): bakalaura darbs. R...
The purpose of this study is to consider the play between Nabokov???s passions and\ud his writing. S...
A partir des premières nouvelles années européennes jusqu'aux derniers romans américains, le thème d...
In modern criticism, V. Nabokov is revered as one of postmodernism “godfathers”. In the texts of a n...
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov is a distinctive representative of Russian literature in the 20th cen...
Nowadays, the intertextual study of Nabokov’s works engages many scholars. Specifically, the connect...
Nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata, književnoj se sceni nametnuo socrealistički koncept koji je uništava...
Ovaj diplomski rad se bavi istraživanjem koncepta ornamentalnosti u romanu Lužinova obrana (Zaščita...
Specifying motifs occurring in the texture of the entire oeuvre of Nabokov the paper aims at re-eval...
Studying Vladimir Nabokov’s works, we have been convinced of the continuity of the social codes, beg...
The focus of this thesis is to closely analyze two novels by Vladimir Nabokov, namely Invitation to ...